Illustration 2020 (Before text updates)

Over recent years my work has also expanded into more commercial roles, with commissions for magazines, books, greetings cards and design work taking my images to a new and growing audience.


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Magazine Editorials

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Magazine editorial illustration by Angela Harding


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Brand Work

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Skinners Text needed...

Skinners Dog Food Packaging Illustrations by Angela Harding

East Midland's based design studio FSG Design have used my dry point image ‘Bird & Notes’ on a paper hot cup design. The cup required a design that captured the style and vibrancy of today’s high end high street café experience. The monotone image was used over a variety of cup sizes and on a number of vibrant coloured backgrounds. In addition to this, FSG recently commissioned me to create a bespoke linocut for a new range of hot cups, again aimed at the high end, quality high street sector. For further information please visit

Illustration for paper cups by Angela Harding


Associate logos for Angela Harding